MCC’s automation and R&D / Technology Group is experiencing rapid growth. To meet the demands of today’s manufacturers we are committed to continue to grow this portion of our business. Our original New England facility on Moylan Lane in Agawam, MA is now totally dedicated to the growth of our automation systems and related products from our R&D / Technology group. To allow for this expansion we have opened a new Technical Center and Showroom. This facility on Silver Street in Agawam is now the home of our local machine sales staff and our application engineering group.
In a separate facility (to support the R&D / Technology group) we have our MCC machining group that manufactures various components for automation systems and other R&D / Technology products such as Cool Blaster HP systems.
The CINCOM L12 is a state-of-the-art Swiss CNC automatic lathe manufactured by Citizen Machinery Co. The user-friendly editing function, which utilizes multi-line multi-axes programming, along with superimposed and synchronized control, make setting up the most complex jobs easy. The L12 also has a detachable guide bushing that allows for effective machining of both long and short workpieces. In addition, the new Type X features a modular tooling system and a Y2 axis on the back spindle which expands the range of usable tools.
The new 12mm laser cutting and welding machine employs the MCC L2000 Laser System. The L2000 is completely interfaced to the L12 control with the cutting path and offsets fully managed and edited in the control. This allows for "Program Control" of all laser settings, adjustments, shapes and machining functions from a single program.